Brandy Jones in Orange
Happy Woman (2)
Happy Woman
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“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 34:17-18

Think back to the moment you lost faith.

In our darkest times, we see a life we did not want to live. We were so sure that this path will take us home safely with God by our side. But when the opposite happens, we believe that God didn’t shelter us.

But what did you gain when you stopped your connection with God?

Think of all the good fortunes and miracles you have witnessed. The goodness of people who have aided you when they don’t even know you.

If God didn’t love you, would you have witnessed those beautiful moments?

Whether it be an unexpected text message or a kind deed, God has always been there to keep you from falling.

I know it won’t be easy and the wounds are too prickly to heal. So, I created this community and membership to rebuild your soul, restore your faith and revitalize your life and brand. 

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Break the chains of the past

and step into the light for you and your brand!

Join a community of Faithprenuers and Let’s rebuild, restore and revitalize your faith and design your life to who you were created to be!

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Join Our Community FREE for 60 Days!

Faith is what gives you strength in pursuing your purpose. Being confident in who you are provides clarity in how you want to serve in the world.

Monthly Group Session

I will be guiding you through your journey with biblical principles and spiritual growth

You will gain access to a private FB Group

Prayer and Meditation

Daily Scriptures

Choose This Membership
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Rebuild Font Image

Rebuild the pieces and rise from the ashes, know what you stand for. But to craft it, there are three keys you need. God. Identity. Focus.

Get everything from Restore

Personal 1:1 Coaching from Brandy bi-weekly

Get access to our No Flaws Movement eBook and Mini Course!

Join Brunch with Brandy FREE every month and network with other Faithpreneurs!

Get access to Give God 90 days Challenge and Live Monthly Trainings

Receive 10% off on all our events

Choose This Membership
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People follow leaders so, people must first connect with you. They must envision the kind of world your brand would create, so they can stand by you.

Get everything from Rebuild

Special Live Group Rebrand Coaching

45 Minutes 1:1 Coaching with Brandy

Receive 20% off on all our events

Receive 20% off on all our hair salon services and products at our stores

Accountability Support/ Inner Circle WhatsApp Group

Choose This Membership

Break the chains of the past

and step into the light for you and your brand!

Join a community of Faithprenuers and Let’s rebuild, restore and revitalize your faith and design your life to who you were created to be!

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Join Our Community FREE for 60 Days!

Faith is what gives you strength in pursuing your purpose. Being confident in who you are provides clarity in how you want to serve in the world.

Monthly Group Session

I will be guiding you through your journey with biblical principles and spiritual growth

You will gain access to a private FB Group

Prayer and Meditation

Daily Scriptures

Choose This Membership
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Rebuild Font Image

Rebuild the pieces and rise from the ashes, know what you stand for. But to craft it, there are three keys you need. God. Identity. Focus.

Get everything from Restore

Get access to our No Flaws Movement eBook and Mini Course!

Join Brunch with Brandy FREE every month and network with other Faithpreneurs!

Get access to Give God 90 days Challenge and Live Monthly Trainings

Receive 10% off on all our events

Choose This Membership
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Revitialize Font Image

People follow leaders so, people must first connect with you. They must envision the kind of world your brand would create, so they can stand by you.

Get everything from Rebuild

Special Live Group Rebrand Coaching

45 Minutes 1:1 Coaching with Brandy

Receive 20% off on all our events

Receive 20% off on all our hair salon services and products at our stores

Accountability Support / Inner Circle WhatsApp Group

Choose This Membership